Brazil candidates engage in verbal sparring in TV debate
The first of Brazil's
televised presidential debates has taken place just two weeks after the
death of one of the leading candidates in October's election, Eduardo
His replacement, internationally renowned environmentalist
Marina Silva, is already challenging incumbent Dilma Rousseff according
to opinion polls. Just two weeks ago, Ms Rousseff seemed to be coasting, almost sleepwalking towards another four-year term as president of Brazil.
Sure, economic growth has all but ground to a halt and crime levels have again started to creep up in many urban areas but Ms Rousseff's pragmatic and popular social policies have helped to elevate as many as 40 million of her countrymen and women out of poverty.
Surprise turn Moreover, despite international business concerns about her protectionist economic policies, none of Ms Rousseff's main opponents for the presidency were able to get close enough to her to really challenge her bid for a second term.
But politics is nothing if not unpredictable and fickle.
All of a sudden, President Rousseff began to look vulnerable and no longer unbeatable.
She arrived at Tuesday's debate, moderated by the Band TV Network, with new polls suggesting she was no longer the clear favourite she once was.
The woman who has turned the whole thing on its head and could yet make this Brazilian election the cliffhanger it was never meant to be, was not even in the race two weeks ago.
But then tragedy struck and Marina Silva is the reluctant beneficiary.
Slight, serious, incorruptible and religiously pious - it is difficult to criticise Ms Silva as a person.
But what about her politics? Born into an incredibly impoverished background in the rural north, she made her name as an environmental campaigner.
She is no political novice and has served before as minister in the government of President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva but her emergence as a genuine presidential contender meant all eyes and ears were on her tonight in Sao Paulo.
Diluted arguments Brazil's democracy is strong and vibrant, if not yet mature, but the policy of allowing all seven candidates to participate in these debates somewhat diluted the argument.
It all started with a single question to all seven candidates:
"According to the United Nations, Brazil has some of the most violent cities in the world...We live in an incredibly violent society, what would you do to reduce and challenge the that reality?"
Ms Silva, who was simply dressed and serious, almost stern, talked first of Mr Campos's loss.
But she took too much time to address the question, never really getting into details about what, after all, is one of the most pressing issues in Brazil today.