Nick Clegg: England MP changes must happen alongside Scotland powers
to the rules on Scottish MPs voting on England-only measures should be
brought in at the same time as Scotland gets more control over tax and
spending, Deputy PM Nick Clegg says.
Allowing Scottish MPs to vote on English matters "is simply not fair", the Lib Dem leader told LBC Radio.UK leaders have promised new powers to Scotland if there's a No vote.
But First Minister Alex Salmond says only independence would deliver the powers Scotland needs.
The Yes campaign for Thursday's independence referendum described the pledge by David Cameron, Ed Miliband and Nick Clegg of more powers as an "insult to the intelligence of the people of Scotland".
A timetable for the new powers has also been set out, with a promise that they would be put in motion on Friday if there is a No vote, with draft legislation due to be published in January 2015.