Amy Hughes completes 53 marathon record bid
Many of Amy Hughes's friends and family joined her at her 50th marathon in Oswestry
That is not to say there have not been some difficult times along the way.Last week a stomach bug left her vomiting and meant she had to battle through the 26 miles, walking some of the sections.
Overall, however, she said the challenge had been a "fun" experience.
"I was inspired by Larry Macon who ran across the states," Ms Hughes said.
"I didn't really start by wanting to break a record, I just looked at a map of the major cities in the UK and wanting to run in them.
"I've met loads of lovely people and run in some really nice places. Down south, Brighton and Bournemouth were really pretty and the weather was amazing."
- Started in Chester on 6 August and finished in Manchester on 27 September
- With each marathon 26 miles and 385 yards long, Amy Hughes has run just over 1,389 miles in all
- She has got through five pairs of trainers during the 53 days
- The current record for the most marathons run on consecutive days is 17 for women and 52 for men
Other runners have joined Amy Hughes along the way and she has had plenty of support, especially on marathon number 50, in her home town of Oswestry, in Shropshire.
"The support was amazing, very emotional. Loads of people came out."
It was also the first time some of her friends and family had seen her since she started the challenge and hundreds of pupils from the Marches School ran a mile with her.
- Explorer Sir Ranulph Fiennes ran seven marathons, in seven days, on seven continents in 2003.
- Comedian Eddie Izzard completed 43 marathons in 51 days in 2009
- In 2006 Dean Karnazes completed 50 marathons across 50 US states in 50 consecutive days, only to run back home from New York to San Francisco.
- Last year Japanese army instructor Toru Sakurai completed a marathon in just over four hours 39 minutes while carrying a 60 lb (27.2 kg) pack.
- Larry Macon from the USA holds the record for the most marathons run in a calendar year, running 239 between 1 December 2012 and 30 November 2013.
"Someone sent me a picture the other day, saying that last week I'd already run to Italy, which is crazy," Amy Hughes said.
As well as encouraging children to lead more active lives, Ms Hughes took on the challenge to raise money for the Isabelle Lottie Foundation after a friend's daughter, three-year-old Izzy Wynne, was diagnosed with a form of brain tumour.
She is hoping to raise £53,000 for the charity.
Amy Hughes's record still needs to be validated by Guinness World Records before it is official.
In the meantime, she said the only plans she had were "to chill" and take plenty of rest.